How sewage treatment plant removes pollutants from wastewater?

Wastewater over the years has become a major concern for the people especially with the rapid growth of industries and other sectors. It is so as the industries are seen using a lot of water in the manufacturing and the production processes. Because there is the use of a lot of water so obviously it further leads to a lot of water wastage and in a country like India where water scarcity has been a big concern for so many years and the years are still counting it is not at all affordable to get the water wasted like that. So, here the people are seen trying to use the water as sustainably as possible that is without wasting it much the people are seen getting it recycled, this process of recycling is mostly done with the help of a wastewater treatment plant . The plant makes the water fit for release in the environment and also makes it fit for reuse. There are multiple types of wastewater treatment plants that are available for this process of wastewater treatment such as there ar...