What Are The Working Processes OF Different Types OF Wastewater Treatment Plants?

We all know the importance of the wastewater treatment, it is not just about the advantages that it offers that is making the water fit for reuse, but also over time with the increasing levels of pollution in the environment it is not just the air that is affected but also same is the case with the water, the wastewater that comes out of the various manufacturing and supplying industries and factories is not at all fit for direct discharge in the natural water bodies, directly releasing the wastewater coming from these places into the water streams may cause serious harm to the environment and that harm may further lead to serious health issues in the people.

But treating wastewater manually is not possible as it is not just about removing the solid waste from the water there are many other dissolved wastes that are to be removed for efficient and proper treatment of the water, so for that, it is best to get it done through the help of the treatment plants.

For the efficient treatment of the wastewater, there are various types of plants available in the market, each type of plant comes with a different set of features and therefore as it comes to the best type of sewage treatment plant then that depends on the type of wastewater that is to be treated.

Here we will discuss the working processes of all the different types of wastewater treatment plants.

  • Effluent Treatment Plant:  This type of wastewater treatment plant is majorly used in industries like pharmaceuticals and the chemical industries, with the help of the Effluent treatment plant at such places it becomes very easy to get all the toxic as well as non-toxic materials and chemicals removed from the water and thus the water is purified and is made fit for further discharge into the environment.
The installation of the effluent treatment plant is very much necessary in the manufacturing and supplying industries of drugs, as the production of drugs further leads to the production of various dangerous effluents, but with the help of the effluent treatment plant, the user can easily get all the effluents removed with the help of the evaporation and the drying technique.

  • Sewage Treatment plant: This type of wastewater treatment plant is also known as the domestic wastewater treatment plant, the treatment offered by the sewage treatment plant is involves all the physical, biological as well as chemical procedures for the removal of waste from the water.The process further generates treated effluent or we can say the solid waste or suitable sludge so that it can be easily discharged in the environment and thus can be put to reuse.
The procedure followed by the sewage treatment plant for working includes 3 major stages those are, the primary treatment stage, the secondary treatment stage and the third stage that is the stage of activated sludge, where the sludge is finally produced and that can be discharged in the environment for further use.
  • Common and combined effluent treatment plant:  This type of wastewater treatment plants are best suited for the small scale industries as those types of industries are incapable of investing large amounts in the installation and set up of individual plants for proper treatment of wastewater.
The common and combined effluent treatment plant is actually a scheme that has been sponsored by the Ministry of environment and forest in India, especially to regulate the pollution coming out of the small scale industries, the main aim of this scheme is to reduce the individual investment of the small scale industrialists towards the protection of the water from pollution as water is an essential part of the environment and improperly treated water or wastewater if not treated at all before being discharged into the environment may lead to increase in the level of the waterborne disease among the lives living in the environment.

The process through which this scheme works is that a request is sent by the CETP association for the set up of the plant to the state pollution control board, the request is then checked by the board and the further procedure is conducted after that.


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